You shall surely give to him, and your heart should not be grieved when you give to him, because for this thing the Lord your God will bless you in all your works and in all to which you put your hand.
– Deuteronomy 15:10Reports & Statements
Catholic Principled Investments
With more than $36 million in assets, the Foundation for the Diocese of Helena takes our responsibility to wisely invest and shepherd the gifts given for the benefit of our parishes, missions, and ministries very seriously. Our Investment Policy reads [in part]: “. . . as a Catholic organization, the Foundation draws the values, directives and criteria which guide its financial choices from the Gospel, universal Church teaching and USCCB statements.”
In an effort to conform to these investment guidelines, the Foundation directs its advisor(s) purchasing individual securities to:
- Avoid investment in companies whose activities include direct participation in or support of abortion, contraceptives and/or scientific research on human fetuses.
- Avoid investments in companies which derive a significant portion of their revenues from the sale or production of pornography.
- Exclude from the Foundation’s portfolio those companies which are engaged in the production or delivery of first-strike nuclear weapons, indiscriminate weapons of mass destruction and anti-personnel land mines.
- Invest in companies that uphold the highest environmental standards, support environmental goals including climate change, protection of living organisms and ecosystems, and protection of water and natural resources.
The Foundation for the Diocese of Helena is grateful for the blessings we have been given through donations, and we pray daily to our Lord Jesus Christ that we might remain good and faithful stewards of the generosity shown to our faith.
Annual Reports
Financial Statements

We’re Here to Help
For additional help, questions or comments, contact Daniel Thies, Executive Director.
Address & Phone
Physical: 630 N Last Chance Gulch, Suite 2200, Helena, MT 59601
Mailing: PO Box 1729, Helena, MT 59624
Phone: (406) 389-7050