Our Mission is to serve and strengthen the people, parishes, ministries and apostolic mission of the Diocese of Helena
Our Guiding Principles
The Foundation for the Diocese of Helena has been a ministry in western Montana since 1978. While we’ve been called by different names through the years, the future of our faith has always been the goal.
$36 Million
in Endowments
$14 Million
Distributed to Parishes/Ministries
Awarded in the 2023 Grant Cycle
At the Foundation for the Diocese of Helena, everything we do begins with and radiates from the person of Jesus the Christ. As such, the work of the Foundation is primarily a ministry that begins in gratitude for what God has given, grows through humility by participating in the divine life of generosity, and finds its culmination in the joy and freedom of this relational reciprocity between souls and their Creator. As a Catholic foundation, we endeavor to accompany all people of western Montana in this ministry by upholding the following principles:
- We are guided by the apostolic mission of the Diocese to serve and strengthen our parishes, ministries, and communities in perpetuity.
- We believe we have a responsibility to build the Church through the passionate sharing of our mission and by inviting individuals to participate with us.
- We believe we have a charitable responsibility to fund those most in need through our established grants program.
- We believe we have a fiduciary and social responsibility to preserve and manage our endowments in perpetuity while maintaining our identity as an independent nonprofit separate from the diocese.
- We are transparent and honest in everything we do; with all our constituents and with each other.
The Foundation is entrusted to honor and respect the generous sacrificial offerings of donors to ensure that the gifted funds become the means of best expressing our Lord’s love in this world.
We Appreciate You
We fulfill our mission by preparing for the future and funding the present with endowments established for every parish and mission in the Diocese. Your gifts help fund the hopes and dreams for our faith. You can direct these gifts to your parish, seminarian education, Legendary Lodge, retirement for clergy and more.
You can give online, donate stock or write a check. Monthly giving opportunities are available. If you are interested in the tax-saving benefits of donating through an annuity, we are happy to work with you.
Board of Trustees
Our leadership represents each deanery in the Diocese, helping the Foundation to understand the needs of specific areas of our state. The Bishop and Vicar General of the Diocese also serve on the Foundation’s Board of Trustees in an ex-officio capacity.
Executive Committee
Rona Davison, President
Holy Rosary, Bozeman
Erica Matelich, Vice President
St. Matthew, Kalispell
Carl Rummel, Treasurer
Christ the King, Missoula
Fr. Joe Fleming, Secretary
Immaculate Conception, Deer Lodge
John Talia, Immediate Past President
St. Francis of Assisi, Hamilton
Shannon Curry
St. Francis, Valier
Lorraine DeBruycker
St. Joseph, Choteau
Fr. Joe Fleming
Immaculate Conception, Deer Lodge
Tim Fox
Cathedral of St. Helena
Fr. Thomas Haffey
Senior Status
Dcn. Charlie Harball
St. Matthew, Kalispell
Laura Humberger
Holy Rosary, Bozeman
Jim McDonald
Blessed Trinity, Missoula
Dwight O'Hara
Immaculate Conception, Deer Lodge
Kathy Sampson
Jennifer Schmitt
Most Reverend Austin A. Vetter
Bishop of the Diocese of Helena
Monsignor Kevin O’Neill
Vicar General of the Diocese of Helena
Daniel Thies
Margaret Herriges
Karen Ford
We’re Here to Help
For additional help, questions or comments, contact Daniel Thies, Executive Director.
Address & Phone
Physical: 630 N Last Chance Gulch, Suite 2200, Helena, MT 59601
Mailing: PO Box 1729, Helena, MT 59624
Phone: (406) 389-7050