To be grateful is to recognize the Love of God in everything he has given us, and he has given us everything.

– Thomas Merton

How do we out-give our Lord? He gave us his only Son who died for our sins!

Giving to your favorite parish or Catholic ministry is a beautiful gift, but it’s also an opportunity to show our gratitude to the Lord. Gifts of every size matter and the Foundation is here to help you decide how you want to give.

There are multiple giving options—many that benefit the donor as well as the recipient.

Cash Gifts

Every gift is a blessing to our faith. Every gift will help our Catholic parishes and ministries share the Good News of Christ Jesus into the future. If you want to make a straightforward gift by cash or check, we are grateful. Please send to PO Box 1729, Helena, MT 59624. If you would prefer to know how to make a gift that offers you tax reduction strategies, please contact us.

Online Gifts

You can give online using the “Choose Your Gift” box on the right of this page. The Foundation accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discovery, American Express or PayPal. If you wish to donate by credit card and need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us or call (406) 389-7050.

Monthly Giving

If you’d like to make monthly donations use the “Choose Your Gift” box on the right and click on “Ongoing”. You can decide how much you’d like your donation to be each month and which endowment you wish to help grow.

Split Gifts

There are so many wonderful Catholic ministries and parishes in our Diocese! If you can’t decide which one you want to help grow we are able to split your gift among multiple endowments so that your gift can be a blessing for many!

Gift Annuities

Imagine if you gave a gift, and nearly half was returned to you via tax credits. Would it change the way you give? Montana is a unique state, committed to giving back to its nonprofits through the Montana Endowment Tax Credit. This piece of our tax code allows you to give to an endowment through a planned gift (charitable annuity), and then be able to claim a tax credit of 40% of the total charitable gift. THAT’S AMAZING!

Below is an example of how a gift through an annuity could benefit you and your Church.

Donate appreciated stock and your tax savings in capital gains could be even more! The Foundation can accept donations of cash, stock, real property, grain, cattle and mineral rights. Reach out to us if you would like to create a charitable annuity or discuss your options.

Estate Gifts

The mission of Christ needs help in every generation and a final gift through your estate allows you to continue supporting God’s great work for generations. It is your final opportunity to evangelize those closest to you by showing what mattered the most to you in your life. Just think what the Church could do if everyone tithed in their estate? Please prayerfully consider remembering the Church in your estate plans. Let the Church be a priority in your estate as it was throughout your life.

Write your will today FOR FREE!

Create an estate plan, care for your loved ones, and steward the resources God has entrusted to you. All at no cost to you. Get started at

Stock Gifts

Donating appreciated investments to the Foundation is a great way to help preserve our faith for future generations AND help you save taxes! Donating is easy; simply fill out the Gift of Stock Notification Form and share the wiring instructions (included in the form) with your broker transfer the gift to the Foundation.

Other Gift Types

The Foundation for the Diocese of Helena can help make donations more efficient and effective for you as the donor. The following types of donations are some of the many creative ways you can make a donation and take advantage of tax savings. If you are interested in any of these types of gifts, please reach out to us and we will contact you to discuss your options.


  • IRA Rollovers—A great way to utilize your mandatory distributions and benefit the Church while receiving tax benefits.
  • Life Insurance—Add the Foundation as the beneficiary to your life insurance policy.
  • Cattle/Grain—Farmers and ranchers may receive a more significant tax savings if they gift grain or livestock directly, rather than selling the commodity and making a gift from the proceeds. Gifting in this manner allows you to avoid the sale of the commodity as income, while the production costs may still be deductible.
  • Real Estate—Capital gains can negatively impact your estate but you can minimize the impact on your estate when you donate your appreciated property to the Church.
  • Employer Matching Gifts—Let us know if your employer provides matching gifts for your charitable donations.
  • Donor Advised Funds—Contact the Foundation to learn if this is the right gifting avenue for you.
  • Memorial/Honorial Gifts—Remember and honor those who have had an impact on your faith through a gift to the ministry/parish that has touched your heart.

Please consult with your tax adviser/attorney before making any planned gifts. The Foundation is happy to provide you and/or your advisor with any information needed.

If you are unable to give financially at this time, we ask that you give through prayer, offering up thanksgiving for our priests, our deacons, our faith-lives that God has so graciously gifted to us, and pray, we ask of you, for the future of our Church. 

If you are making a donation to the Because He First Loved Us Campaign, please click here.

We’re Here to Help

For additional help, questions or comments, contact Daniel Thies, Executive Director.

Address & Phone

Physical: 630 N Last Chance Gulch, Suite 2200, Helena, MT 59601

Mailing: PO Box 1729, Helena, MT 59624

Phone: (406) 389-7050

Contact Us

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